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Divinity Experiencing

Knowing your True Self


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Offerings and Services

I will provide a sacred space for you to fully step into and develop your inner divinity. In my channelings, group services, guidance sessions, classes or ceremonies I will hold space and support you to process what is revealed. 


About Me

My life's purpose is to utilize my gifts and abilities to support healing and empowerment in the global awakening. My energy template is tailored to bring you to a higher connected state of being and assist you in connecting with your purpose to carry out your soul mission.

My Journey

What to Expect

Each individual or group is so incredibly unique that all of my services are customized to match your specific energy. I have multiple service options for you to chose from, whichever you feel called to. We will reach the highest potential.

What To Expect

An absolute honor

Stop right there! Before exploring any further, I want to make sure to honor who you are, and your purposefulness on this earth. Whether we work together more deeply, or simply just connect in this moment, I am deeply honored to have aligned with you. You are a miracle walking this earth and we are all blessed to have your presence here with us. 

Guidance and Teachings

It is my purpose and desire is to create a safe space for you to receive healing, information and be able to expand your consciousness in a comfortable and sacred space. My mission is to evoke your purest souls essence and medicine forward through my guidance and offerings.

Current Offerings

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